Who We Are


The ultimate responsibility for the governance of Cathedral School for Boys resides with the Board of Trustees, who bring a diversity of talent and broad practical and professional experience in order to assure the School's present stability, its development, and its perpetuation. The Trustees are responsible for formulating policy and for establishing and maintaining the sound financial condition of the School. The Board appoints the Head of School, who as chief executive officer directs all day-to-day activities and operations necessary for the accomplishments of the School's program, the appointment of faculty and staff members, maintenance of educational and behavioral standards, and administration of the operating budget.

Cathedral School is a financially independent department of Grace Cathedral Corporation. The Cathedral Board provides two Trustees, approves new Trustees, approves changes in the by-laws, but does not initiate policy. The Bishop approves the appointment of the Headmaster and nominates him or her as a senior staff member of the Cathedral with the title of Canon Headmaster. The Dean is an ex-officio member of the Board and of all Board committees. The Cathedral, School, and Diocese share facilities on the Close and contribute to their upkeep on an equitable basis.

List of 16 members.

  • Photo of Christina Alvarez

    Christina Alvarez 

    Read Bio
  • Photo of Michele Bell

    Michele Bell 

    Read Bio
  • Photo of William Bennington '79

    William Bennington '79 

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  • Photo of Chad Boeding

    Chad Boeding 

    Read Bio
  • Photo of Ronald Clark

    Ronald Clark 

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  • Photo of Michael Hanna '94

    Michael Hanna '94 

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  • Photo of Saad Hasan

    Saad Hasan 

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  • Photo of Thayer Hopkins

    Thayer Hopkins 

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  • Photo of Linnea Hur

    Linnea Hur 

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  • Photo of Lauren Johnston

    Lauren Johnston 

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  • Photo of Burns Jones

    Burns Jones 

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  • Photo of Jorge Klor de Alva

    Jorge Klor de Alva 

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  • Photo of Carlton Linnenbach '87

    Carlton Linnenbach '87 

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  • Photo of Jessica MacGregor

    Jessica MacGregor 

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  • Photo of Masharika Maddison

    Masharika Maddison 

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  • Photo of Diana Marchesi

    Diana Marchesi 

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List of 16 members.

  • Photo of Michael McKinnon

    Michael McKinnon 

    Read Bio
  • Photo of Eric Metoyer

    Eric Metoyer 

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  • Photo of Peter Oberndorf

    Peter Oberndorf 

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  • Photo of Edward Park

    Edward Park 

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  • Photo of Rene Picazo

    Rene Picazo 

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  • Photo of Rachel Proffitt

    Rachel Proffitt 

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  • Photo of Josh Rupright

    Josh Rupright 

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  • Photo of Shipley Salewski

    Shipley Salewski 

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  • Photo of John-Austin Saviano

    John-Austin Saviano 

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  • Photo of Simon Snyder

    Simon Snyder 

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  • Photo of Will Stegall

    Will Stegall 

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  • Photo of Donald Sung

    Donald Sung 

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  • Photo of David Thier

    David Thier 

  • Photo of Kevin Wong

    Kevin Wong 

    Read Bio
  • Photo of Malcolm Young

    Malcolm Young 

    Read Bio
  • Photo of Candace Yu

    Candace Yu 

    Read Bio

Cathedral School for Boys

Located in San Francisco, California, Cathedral School for Boys is an independent elementary school for boys in Kindergarten – Grade 8. Our mission is to provide an excellent education through intellectual inquiry and rigor that is centered in the Episcopal tradition and is respectful of and welcoming to people of all religious traditions and beliefs.